Top women entrepreneurs
by Patricia SellersThe Fortune Most Powerful Women isn’t only about Fortune 500 bosses and world-renowned business builders like Oprah Winfrey.Today w...
Meet the 2010 Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs
Entrepreneurs not only drive economic recovery but also create better ways for us to do everyday things. Howard Schultz improved the way we drink coff...
Entrepreneurs who never let you see ‘em sweat
by Patricia SellersNew-product innovation tends to be 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.Here’s that 1% that led to the creation of a hot little comp...
Facebook COO Sandberg on making it to the top
Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg wrote one of the most-read Guest Posts ever on Postcards. "Don't Leave Before You Leave" ranks second in popularity to a ...
New jobs for Powerful Women
By Patricia SellersLots of Most Powerful Women—the stars of Fortune’s annual list–are moving up and making news. You know about Kraft Foods (KFT) CEO ...
Cisco CTO’s tips for a top career
Today is International Women’s Day. While we’re celebrating the achievements of women, we also need to recognize that in many fields, there are way to...
10 tips for entrepreneurs looking to build great teams
As the recruiting partner at venture capital firm Highland Capital Partners, I have the privilege of working with some truly remarkable young entrepre...
Bacon entrepreneurs bring in the bucks
Bacon Salt built a cult following on Twitter and Facebook.By Jo Piazza(Fortune Small Business) -- Tired of hearing that everything tastes like chicken...
40 Under 40: Where are the women?
By Patricia SellersJust look at Fortune’s annual Most Powerful Women list to see the strides of women in business: Today an executive, to make the cut...